Create your own porn site list/link collection site with ease and for free with this theme. Several customization options.
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How to use this theme
Simply add new “sites” in the WP dashboard – do not add regular “posts” as this will mess up the site. If you already have published “posts” on your site you will need to unpublish them. You can use pages with the theme though.
When adding new sites make sure to add a title for the site as well as a category. To add a description for the site, enter in the text area below the title field. You also need to use the custom field “link” to add a link to the site, and for screenshots to work.
The theme will automatically get a screenshot for the sites you add. If a loading circle is displaying instead of the screenshot you need to refresh the page. Sometimes though this does not work, or you might just want to show a better screenshot manually. You can do so by adding a “featured image” to the site. The width of the screenshot should be 510px and the height 382px. You can use different heights if you want to show more of the site, but then the automatic screenshots will be of a different aspect ratio and make your site look a little messy unless you add all manually at the same size.
Useful resources
- You can use this free plugin to change the order of your category link boxes as well as for each of the site within each category.
- Here is the favicon (site icon) used in the demo.
Custom fields for this theme
- link – The external link to the site.
10.13.18 – Version 2 Released: Site screenshot functionality added, archive pages for each category added, single-site reviews support added.
10.14.18 – Version 2.1 Released: Multiple errors fixed. Should now be fully responsive for mobile devices.
10.14.18 – Version 2.2 Released: A mobile responsiveness error fixed.
06.25.19 – Version 2.3 Released: A small fix for the mobile version of the theme. When site descriptions are shown on mobile a “hide site descriptions” button will appear.
Link back to this site?
If you use this theme, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you add a “Webmaster” link section to your site and link back to – Thanks!